Media Verification Assistant

Get help in analyzing the veracity of online media

Privacy Policy

Who we are

Thank you for visiting the Media Verification Assistant website. We pay a lot of attention to protecting your personal data. This data protection declaration sets out the method, extent and purpose of the processing of your personal data.

This website is managed by the Media Verification team (MeVer)
Address: 6th km Harilaou – Thermi, 57001, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Legal basis of processing

The processing of personal data is based on your provided consent [Article 6.1.a of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR)], through the usage of the Service.

You can revoke your consent to collect, process and use data at any time, with effectiveness for the future.

Personal data processing through the website

Our web page utilises performance/analytics cookies to analyse how the website is accessed, used, or is performing. In order to visit our Website, it is neither necessary nor possible for you to provide us with any personal data (such as your name or your e­-mail address). To offer its core functionality, the service needs to process images that are either uploaded by the user or already publicly accessible on the Web. A copy of the image is stored by the system, alongside information resulting from the automated analysis of our tools (metadata, tampering localization maps, etc). This information can be accessed by other users if they provide the service with a URL pointing to an exact copy of the image file. Thus, if an exact copy of the same file is available elsewhere on the Web, the same analysis data will be recalled from the database and shown to any user that submits its URL. Furthermore, gaining access to the URL of the analysis report also gives access to the originally submitted image URL, and thus may lead to acquiring the submitted image as well. If the uploaded image contains personal data, we collect, process and use this information only for the purposes of providing the Website and the services available on the Website.

Will your information be shared with anyone?

We will not, in any circumstances, share your personal information with other individuals or organizations without your permission, including public organizations, corporations or individuals. We do not sell, communicate or divulge your information. Our staff and any service providers we work with are bound to confidentiality and to observing the applicable data protection regulations.


We do not use personal data for profiling.

How long do we keep your information?

We keep your information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this privacy notice unless otherwise required by law.

How do we keep your information safe?

We have taken appropriate organizational and technical measures to protect your personal data from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorized access, modification or disclosure. The measures we use include implementing appropriate measures in access control and technical information security, such as up-to-date software, secure connections and building control access to our premises.Access to your personal data is allowed only to our competent employees to support the activities of the Service.

Your rights under data protection legislation

As a data subject, you are entitled to exercise the rights delineated in this section of the privacy policy. It might be necessary for us to request certain information from you to verify your identity and ensure your entitlement to access the information or exercise any of your other rights. This measure helps us to guarantee that personal data is not disclosed to any unauthorized individual. Under certain circumstances, we may be unable to comply with your request due to other lawful grounds. Your rights, which may be subject to provisions that may restrict the exercise thereof, are:


You can use the contact e­mail provided on our Website to contact us directly or to request current information from us. We collect, process and use the information you provide in a contact form exclusively to handle your request. We are happy to answer any further questions on data protection and processing of your personal data. You can contact us at